Dura, [MANDALA], [R3], Barmaley, 22769,*Soonsiki~

click on image to enlarge.
Hair: *Dura-Boys&Girls*55 - New!
Freckless: *Soonsiki! Gossip *Milk* Odd Beauty
Jacket: [R3] - Mens Pullover [V2] - New!
Pants: Barmaley - Pants_Arma 
Furniture: 22769 ~[bauwerk] Leafe On The Wind - New! (Fundraiser Event)

 This is a Fundraiser Event to support Amy also know as Scarlet Chandrayaan to make her dream to visit London come true. All our vendors send a 75% percentage from each sale to support this goal.
    Event Dates: 2015, January 10th - February 1st

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